sexta-feira, 30 de agosto de 2013


Escreva as palavras na ordem correta, para forma as frases.
1. eat; I; bread; don't
2. study; don't; I; cousin; French; my; with
3. don't; I; cheese; eat
4. with; father; you; speak; my; English
5. children; I; in; to; the; my; evening; talk
6. afternoon; work; in; I; school; at; the
7. home; at; you; don't; my; with; chess; father; play
8. only; tea; you; milk; and; drink
9. want; to; cheese; you; eat; ham; a; and; cup; to; of; drink; tea; and
10. he; to; window; open; the; needs
11. she; door; night; every; the; closes
12. well; It; very; Works
13. makes; mom; my; the; for; children; my; bed
14. wants; Hawai; go; she; month; to; to; this
15. we; today; study; math
16. do; like; you; chocolate; hot; cold; or
17. he; need; does; buy; to; book; tomorrow; a
18. do; go; they; downtown
19. she; doesn't; buy; cakes; you; for
20. don't; read; I; book;this


1. I don't eat bread.
2. I don't study French with my cousin.
3. I don't eat cheese.
4. You speak English with my father.
5. I talk to my children in the evening.
6. I work at school in the afternoon.
7. You don't play chess with my father at home.
8. You only drink milk and tea.
9. You want to eat cheese and ham and to drink a cup of tea.
10. He needs to open the window.
11. She closes the door every night.
12. It works very well.
13. My mom makes the bed for my children.
14. She wants to go to the Hawai this month.
15. We study math today.
16. Do you like hot or cold chocolate?
17. Does he need to buy a book tomorrow?
18. Do they go downtown?
19. She doesn't buy cakes for you.
20. I don't read this read.


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