terça-feira, 1 de julho de 2014

Homework III - Verb To Be

Exercises fixing

1 - Make sentences. Use Is/ Isn’t or are/ aren’t.
Example: A ball/ round
Response: A ball is round.
a. The Earth/ round.
b. Banana/ red
c. Bananas/ yellow
d. Air/ free
e. Airplanes/ slow

2 - Spend sentences to interrogative and negative form.
Example: She is a very good student.
Response: Is she a very good student?
                     She isn’t a very good student.
  1. Andrew and Tania are brothers.
  2. He is studying English literature.
  3. They are walking on the street. 
  4. I am playing game on the laptop.
  5. It is getting out of control.

3 - Say on the verb tense and form of the sentences below.
  1. We are reading a poem.
  2. Ane was helping her mother when I arrived there.
  3. He is a good basketball player.
  4. Will you be home when I arrive?
  5. You were the most important person at that time.
  6. I'm going to be there tomorrow without fail.

4 - Preencham os espaços em branco com as formas mais adequadas do verbo "to be" no futuro.

a. I'm______ be there tomorrow without fail. (will, going to)
b. ______you be home when I arrive? (will, going to)
c. Are you________ be a father? (will, going to)
d. He's________ be here for two weeks. (will, going to)
e. They_______be the best players of all time. (will, going to)
f. ________we be angels when we die? (will, going to)
g. Is she_________be your next patient? (will, going to)
h. I_______be there for you if you should need me. (will, going to)

5 - Preencham os espaços em branco com a forma mais adequada do verbo "to be" no passado.
a. Jane___________helping her mother when I arrived there. (was, were)
b. You__________the most important person at that time.(was, were)
c. I__________speaking badly of you. (wasn't, weren't)
d. We__________really worried about her. (was, were)
e. I think it__________like I expected it to be. (wasn't, weren't)
f. Jane believes they__________sleeping when it happened. (were, was)

6 -  Complete the sentences with am, is, or are.
a) I ____________ a student.
b) My parents ___________ great people.
c) My sister ____________ very pretty.
d) Her cousins ___________ musicians.
e) His uncle ____________ at the movies.

f) My sister and I ___________ best friends. 

(Alguns exercícios são do site que citei na primeira homework)

Homework II

Mais lições para vocês!
Pronomes Pessoais             Pronomes Oblíquos                           Pronomes Possessivos
I (Eu)                                     Me (mim, me)                                     My (meu/ minha)
You (Você)                          You (Lhe/ te/ ti/ Você)                      Your (Teu/ tua/ seu/ sua)
He ( Ele)                               Him (Ele/ o)                                         His (Dele)
She (Ela)                               Her (Ela/ a)                                          Her (Dela)
It (Ele/ ela coisas)               It (Ele/ ela/ o/ a)                                  Its (Dele/ dela)
We (Nós)                              Us (nos)                                              Our (Nosso/ nossa)
You (Vocês)                         You (Lhes/ vos/ vocês)                     Your (Seu/ sua/ de vocês)
They (Eles)                           Them (Lhes/ os/ as)                           Their (Deles/ delas)
Passe para o inglês:
  1. O meu lápis está na mesa.
  2. A minha caneta está na mesa.
  3. Minhas canetas estão na mesa.
  4. Nossa caneta está na mesa.
Coloque um pronome pessoal oblíquo no lugar do objeto em cada sentença:
  1. I walk to school with Mary.
  2. I walk to school with Bill.
  3. I walk to school with the boys.
  4. I walk to school with my cellular phone.
  5. He wants a book now.
Coloque o pronome pessoal de acordo com a pessoa descrita.

  1. Mr. Smith. 
  2. John and Me.      
  3. A pen.      
  4. Stuart.       
  5. A clever girl.  


Sei que temos uma pequena dificuldade quanto a lição de casa. Poucos alunos se interessam em realmente fazer. Então, além de utilizar essas lições como forma de revisão eu procuro formular as mesmas de forma curta, assim tento retirar desse momento o fator tempo, afinal são lições que não levam muito tempo para serem feitas...
Meus alunos sabem que sempre faço a correção dessas lições, primeiro no caderno e depois em conjunto com todos, então já se acostumaram a fazer, as vezes eles terminam o que tem que fazer em sala e já começam a lição de casa, enquanto os colegas não terminaram...
Enfim aqui estão alguns temas e exemplos para Homework:

1. Leiam o texto a seguir.

Mary is a nice woman. She is a nurse and works in a big hospital. She works at night on weekends. Mary has two young children and they are very intelligent. Their names are "Jack" and "Julie". Jack is nine years old and Julie is eleven years old. Jack likes soccer and Julie loves movies. Jack wants to be a soccer player and Julie wants to be a movie star.

Mary likes to be with her children when she isn't working - they play board games together. Mary's family is very happy, especially when Jake, Mary's husband, is at home with them. Jake usually travels a lot and visits different places - he is a truck driver.

Board games: jogos de tabuleiro

2. Answer the questions - respondam as perguntas
a. What does Mary do?
b. Where does she work?
c. Is Mary married or single?
d. How many children does she have?

3. Traduzam as sentenças a seguir para o português.
a. Mary likes to be with her children when she isn't working.
b. They play board games together.
c. He is a truck driver.

d. Jack wants to be a soccer player and Julie wants to be a movie star.

(site: www.englishexperts.com.br - não sou de fazer propaganda, mas ele é ótimo)