sexta-feira, 2 de agosto de 2013

Aula de Simple Past

Forma Afirmativa
Sujeito + Infinitivo (-to) + ed
Sujeito + pretérito do verbo – para verbos irregulares.
Ex.: He cleaned his bedroom yesterday. / I drank juice last night.

Forma Negativa
Sujeito + did not +Infinitivo (-to) - para verbos regulares e irregulares,
Ex.: They didn't like you. / He didn't eat with me yesterday.

Forma Interrogativa
Did + Sujeito + Infinitivo (-to) - para verbos regulares e irregulares.
Ex.: Did you go to the movies last week? 

Sempre é bom relembrar que quando utilizamos o auxiliar no simple time o verbo não muda!

1 - Write the sentences in the simple past.
a) I study with my sister.
b) I drink water.
c) You play de guittar today.
d) He works in the morning.
e) Do you go to the movies tonight?
f) When does she come home?
g) Do they drink coffee at night?
h) Does he like to cook?
i) I don't work a lot.
j) He doesn't know how to cook.
l) She doesn't live in São Paulo.
m) You doesn't visit your relatives.

Bom gente simple past é somente isso.


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